Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Special characters in C

//Special characters:

C language
C language


'\a' // alert (bell) character
'\n' // newline character
'\t' // tab character (left justifies text)
'\v' // vertical tab
'\f' // new page (formfeed)
'\r' // carriage return
'\b' // backspace character
'\0' // null character. Usually put at end of strings in C lang. 
     //   hello\n\0. \0 used by convention to mark end of string. 
'\\' // backslash
'\?' // question mark
'\'' // single quote
'\"' // double quote
'\xhh' // hexadecimal number. Example: '\xb' = vertical tab character
'\ooo' // octal number. Example: '\013' = vertical tab character
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